Four Linden, NJ, firms are the first in the nation to receive the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Merit Award for Smaller Businesses from OSHA. The companies, General Magnaplate, Dock Resins, Elf Industrial Lubricants and Epicor, were praised for their accomplishments in protecting their employees against workrelated injuries.
'It's an honor,' says Dock chairman and ASSE New Jersey Chapter member Wayne A. Tamarelli, 'that [OSHA has] chosen us to help lead the way in reducing some of the administrative burdens on small businesses.' Until now, only major corporations have participated in the VPP Although there are currently more than 200 VPP sites in the nation, this Linden effort is a pilot program for smaller companies. It will now be extended nationwide.
VPP is designed to recognize outstanding achievement in incorporating comprehensive safety and health programs into total management systems; motivate others to achieve similar results; and establish an employer-employeeOSHA relationship based on cooperation rather than coercion.
William JW Warvel, Exxon Chemical's safety director and ASSE New Jersey Chapter member, served as mentor for the Linden VPP program. Exxon has itself been designated a VPP Star Site.
Jobline at the PDC
The JobLine Resource Center is offering a resume service, June 16-18, in conjunction with the 36th Annual Professional Development Conference in New Orleans.
JobLine subscribers may have resumes on display for prospective employers to review. You need not be present to take advantage of this service. A subscription is $35.00 to ASSE members (free to unemployed members). For more information, contact ASSE's customer service representatives at (847) 699-2929.
How Will Your Chapter Observe National Safety Month?
If your chapter is planning an activity for National Safety Month, consider sharing your ideas in Society Update-you may inspire others to plan their own activities. Send details about your activity, including contact name and telephone number, to: Editor, Society Update, 1800 E. Oakton St., Des Plaines, IL 60018-2187; fax (847) 296-3769.
Chapter News and Notes
Colonial Virginia Honored
In a presentation ceremony held on March 10th in the Richmond (VA) City Council chambers, the Richmond Fire Dept. recognized the Colonial Virginia Chapter for its donation of 175 smoke detectors during National Safety Week in June 1996.
The smoke detectors were donated to the city's Free Smoke Detector Program, which is managed by the Fire Dept.'s Div. of Support Services. The program allows residents in the city to have a detector placed in their home if they are unable to afford one.
Knight Promoted By Willis Corroon
Patrick P. Knight, CSP, has been promoted to senior vice president, risk control, for Willis Corroon Corp. of Western Michigan. In addition, Knight is director of the Integrated Management Services Div. for the Grand Rapids, MI firm. His division provides risk control and claims management services, which include risk analyses, surveys and service plan development. A graduate of Oklahoma State University, Knight is a professional member and Secretary of the West Michigan Chapter.
Members Earn Designations
A growing number of members are striving to obtain the associate and certified safety professional (ASP and CSP, respectively) designations. Recent recipients of the ASP include John M. Hauser, Audrey Terry and Curt N. Riggs. Hauser is director of safety and business finance quality officer for the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. He is a member of the Great Plains Chapter. Terry is occupational safety and health manager for Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. She is Secretary of the Great Plains Chapter. Riggs, a member of the Wichita Chapter, is safety coordinator for Koch Industries, Wichita.
Recent recipients of the CSP include Daniel H. Howard, Wanda Roela and Jim Whitehead. Howard works for Mountain Coal Co. in Paonia, CO. He is a member of the Colorado Chapter. Roela, a member of the Wichita Chapter, is director of safety for Coleman Co. in Wichita. Whitehead is health and safety manager for Fluor Daniel GTI in Wichita. He is a professional member of the Wichita Chapter.
Members Co-Author Book
Safety Management and ISO 9000/QS-9000, a book co-written by Robert J. Kozak, CSP, and George J. Krafcisin, CSP, CIH, ARM, was recently published by Quality Resources, New York. The book describes how a firm can integrate its quality management system with its safety management system to reduce costs, streamline procedures and improve operating efficiency. A member of the West Michigan Chapter, Kozak is quality assurance and safety manager for Entela Inc., Grand Rapids, MI. Krafcisin, a professional member of the Greater Chicago Chapter, is president of Mosiac Management Inc.
More Members in the News
Margaretta Appointed to Safety Council William C. Margaretta, a professional member of the New Jersey Chapter, has been appointed president and secretary of the New Jersey State Safety Council. Prior to the council appointment, he was director of employee relations for Elizabethtown Gas Co., Union, NT.
Margaretta has a long history of public-sector service. He is currently chair of the Public Employee Safety and Health Review Committee and recently was chair of the New Jersey State Industrial Safety Committee. In addition, he was a member of a state Dept. of Labor advisory board that negotiated a cooperative compliance program with OSHA. Margaretta holds a degree in communications from Glassboro State College.
Sten Named Safety Professional of the Year
Douglas L. Sten, CSP, was recently honored as Safety Professional of the Year by ASSE's Lansing Chapter. A professional member and current Vice President of the chapter, Sten is product safety manager for international operations of the Plastics Machinery Div. of Johnson Controls Inc., which is headquartered in Manchester, MI.
Wagner Accepts Promotion
John C. Wagner, CSP, a member of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter, has been promoted to Atlantic region practice leader of integrated management services at Willis Corroon Corp. of Pennsylvania, Radnor. In addition, he is an adjunct professor at Millersville University. Prior to joining Willis Corroon, Wagner held various safety and risk control positions in the construction and manufacturing industries. He is also a member of National Safety Council and American Industrial Hygiene Assn.
Sarnie Joins ProSource Distribution
Richard W. Sarnie, PE., CSP, has joined ProSource Distribution Services Inc. as director of safety and risk management. He is responsible for direction of all safety, environmental and risk management programs for the Coral Gables, FL firm, an independent distributor of food to the restaurant industry. Previously, Sarnie was corporate safety manager for Friendly Ice Cream Corp. in Wilbraham, MA. He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Lowell and an M.B.A. from Western New England College. Prior to this move, Sarnie was a professional member and PresidentElect of the Connecticut Valley Chapter.
Yaxley Named Preident of NAFE
Wilbur T. 'Dusty' Yaxley, PE., has been named president of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE). He also serves as education chair and organizes seminars on subjects related to testimony by engineering experts. He specializes in safety, accident reconstruction and construction-related disputes. Yaxley is a professional member of the West Florida Chapter and has operated his own firm as a forensic engineer since 1965.
Jones Receives VPP Outreach Award
Donald S. Jones Sr., PE., CSP, recently received the 1996 OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Safety & Health Outreach Award. The annual award is presented to an individual who achieves an outstanding level in sharing his/her technical and management expertise in the safety and health field.
As safety manager at Dow Chemical's Louisiana Div., Plaquemine, Jones coordinates the division's VPP He has also been designated a 'special government employee' by OSHA; in this role, he helps conduct audits at sites applying for VPP status. In addition, he provided guidance to the Dept. of Energy in developing a similar program.
Jones is also active in various safetyrelated groups. He is a professional member and current Treasurer of ASSE's Greater Baton Rouge Chapter. Other chapter positions held include Chair of the Education/Program Development Committee and CSP Study Group. In 1996, he received the chapter's Award for Outstanding Safety Achievement.
In addition, Jones is chair of the Greater Baton Rouge Industrial Manager's Plant Safety & Health Group and a member of the Greater Baton Rouge Safety & Occupational Health Council's Board of Directors. He chairs the Occupational Safety & Health Program Advisory Committee at Southeastern Louisiana University, where he also serves as an adjunct professor, teaching occupational safety and health courses.
Time is Running Out . . .
You have until May 30th to register for the 36th annual Professional Development Conference and Exposition in New Orleans. Register by phone at (847) 699-2929.