Grand Rapids, Michigan Mayor George K. Heartwell and Beaverton,Oregon Mayor Denny Doyle have been selected as the nation's topwinners in the 2012 Mayors' Climate Protection Awards, an initiativesponsored by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and Walmart.
According to a release, the annual awards program is in its sixthyear and recognizes mayors for practices in their cities thatincrease energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Anindependent panel of judges selected the winners from a pool of morethan 100 applicants.
'Mayor Heartwell and Mayor Doyle have done an outstanding jobdeveloping climate protection programs that will serve as models forthe rest of the country,' said Los Angeles Mayor AntonioVillaraigosa, President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. 'Theseawards prove that cities large and small are making extra efforts tolaunch innovative programs to protect our environment.'
Officials noted that the City of Grand Rapids has set forth amulti-year Sustainability Plan with over 200 very specific economic,environmental, and social targets. As one of the early signatoriesof the U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, GrandRapids' commitment to reducing green house gas emissions has beendemonstrated through multiple projects. These projects include:energy efficiency improvements in city buildings with a 15 percentreduction in electricity consumption, an energy audit program inneighborhoods, solar panel placement on the city's existing LEEDcertified building, a commitment of 22 percent of renewable energyin its electricity portfolio, geothermal projects at fire stations,installation of Electric Vehicle Charging stations at city'sdowntown parking ramps, an increased recycling rate throughcommunity engagement, sustainability planning and a community-wideactive sustainability network involving over 200 private and publicorganizations.
Solar Beaverton is a community, bulk-purchase solar program ledby Beaverton's Sustainability Division.The Solar Beaverton programincreased use of renewable energy in the city, reduced greenhousegas emissions, simplified the process of installing solar, createdjobs that support local contractors and manufacturers, and helpedresidents take advantage of financial incentives. Solar Beaverton ispart of the city's efforts to support low-carbon lifestyles, energyefficiency and security, health and well-being, and eco-systemstewardship. The program is part of a larger city commitment toreduce emissions under its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Program.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors is a nonpartisan organization ofcities with populations of 30,000 or more.
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